October 14, 2010

Sara's Tangy Guacamole

This guacamole recipe is a bit of an oddity, but it is SO good.  Goes so nicely with so many different things. Tomato paste gives it an unexpected edginess.

What's special?
-Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Yeast-Free, Vinegar/Ferment-Free, Corn-Free, Dairy-Free.
-Contains raw garlic and red onion to fight off those cold bugs before you can sniffle!
-Avocado is a super healthy fat source if used in moderate portions (1/2 avocado = 1 TB oil = 15g fat)
-Quick and easy to make and delicious with crackers.

Sara’s Tangy Guacamole

2 ripe avocados (turning dark and very soft on outside)
1c diced red onion
4 cloves garlic, pressed
juice of 1 lime (halve lime, use spoon to twist juice out for maximum yield)
1 heap tsp sea salt
3/4tsp fresh ground pepper

1 can tomato paste(5.5oz/156ml)

Halve avocados, remove pit then quarter them for easy peel removal.  Place avocado quarters, lime juice, garlic salt and pepper in a medium bowl and mash with a fork until you reach a creamy consistency.  Add onion and stir in.  then with a large spoon, drop the tomato paste into bowl in three scoops, mixing in gently each time as to have swirls of red and green in your bowl.  Be careful not to overmix as it will turn into a weird brownish colour... but don't worry if you do because it still tastes amazing!  Transfer to serving/storage bowl, chill and serve.  This keeps in the fridge for 4-5 days and tastes much better after chillin' like my brother for a day!

Serving Ideas:  Serve as a dip with whole grain rye crackers, wholemeal rye bread, or raw vegetables (zucchini, carrots, cucumber, green beans).  Buy dry pressed cottage cheese cubes and slice into 1 inch cubes, top with guacamole for an unusually delicious lunch.  Use as a spread for sandwiches or lettuce wraps.  Give yourself a facial... just kidding!

Preparation time:  15 minutes

Yield: Approx. 2 cups


  1. Tomato paste! How novel and interesting! I love putting little grape tomatoes in my guac, so why not tomato paste? Great idea! From one kitchen scientist and fulltime musician (sometimes by day, sometimes by night!) to another!

  2. Yum Sara! This looks awesome! Will let you know how mine turns out! Genevieve
