Helloooooooo Everyone!
So I haven't posted in a bit, because life is quite packed at the moment - but wanted to post a note about how to eat healthy when you're busy busy.
Right now I have a fridge full of ready to eat healthy meals. Here's a preview:
-3 berry FRUIT SALAD (2 medium glass containers)
-my WHIPPED MAPLE cottage cheese (I combine with brown rice and pea protein powders)
-home ground, light-sealed flax seed
(all of this makes for a beautify breakfast bowl!)
-my THAI GINGER PEANUT COLESLAW dressing w shredded cabbage (bought this bag) and home julienned beets, spinach - all ready to go in a bowl w sockeye salmon for a super quick and delish meal.
-my COTTAGE CHEESE CAESAR dressing with steamed kale and brussel sprouts, edamame (shelled) and boiled eggs, sun-dried tomatoes, romaine hearts - all ready to be quickly tossed as is for an antioxidant rich, cancer-fighting, protein packed yummy meal at home or to go.
-my CUMIN SPICED HUMMUS with raw broccoli (do you know how good this is for your body??!)and baby carrots and zucchini for afternoon snacks.
-all NATURAL CHICKEN and HAM meat slices ready to be paired with YOGURT SPREAD/LEBANY (home made - just let 1% yogurt strain in cheese cloth for 24 hours over the sink and mix with salt in a container)and rolled into cute little things for 15 g of lean protein per four slices/rolls and almost no fat. I also eat raw red/yellow peppers, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes to fill the rest of the plate.
-KELP NOODLES (raw and awesome - I just discovered these crunchy no-fuss noodles - they are packed with nutrients and minerals and 21 amino acids!), soaked pumpkin seed kernals (makes them biologically active and insanely more bioavailable/absorbable), hemp seed nuts, raw dehydrated kale/caraway bread (made of that and flax - no wheat - I buy these from LIVE FOOD BAR) for snacks and health-packed additions to meals and salads anytime.
-decaf ICED COFFEE with stevia, almond milk, soy milk, water and starbucks via/kicking horse decaf coffee, brewed hot then refrigerated for an incredibly refreshing, low calorie drink.
-my home made ICED TEA LEMONADE in a medium sized pickling jar, concentrated so I add about 1/4c of it to ice and sparkling water/regular water - no calories, detoxifying and mmmmmmm good!
So the point is, I'm busy but I took some time (not that much time really) to buy and prepare all of these things and stock my fridge, and now I won't have to cook for close to a week, I can eat out once or twice if I get bored or can't pack my food in the heat.. and I'm mostly eating super healthy, energy-giving, low fat, whole, pure foods that will help me be at my best. I save plastic rectangular take-out containers and fill them with salads to-go. So awesome!
I wanted to share this so you can get an idea of how to do some food prep and then NO COOKING for a week! ;) Enjoy!!
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